Vintage Dog Planters

Vintage Dog PlantersThese vintage dog planters were purchased at yard sales in and around Lancaster, PA. I stuffed them with my favorite plant, the Jade. There is a seller at Building Character that pairs vintage planters with doll parts and tiny succulents. I can’t match her technique, so check out Building Character when you get the opportunity.

ASCII Bulldog

ASCII art is a computer drawing technique that was first utilized in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Its popularity increased in the 1980s as bulletin boards connected people across the globe. In order to convey imagery on text based terminals, creative minds “drew” pictures with the ASCII character set.

While the most popular example remains the humble emoticon, some ASCII art can be quite elaborate. There are plenty of characters with which you can draw lines and shapes. And the busiest characters can be packed together to create elaborate textures. At Where’s Pom?, there’s really only one piece of ASCII art we care about. The English Bulldog:

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He’s Got Ears

The Guiness Book of World Records recently verified that Harbor Wert had the biggest ears on any dog any where in the world. As this news spread through the media and the blogsphere it left a trail of cliches in its wake.

The Denver Post said he was  “all ears for owner Jennifer Wert.” And so did People Magazine.

The NY Daily News went with “Hear ye, hear ye!” in its byline.

The International Business Times said he looks more like Dumbo than a dog.

At Pet Side, they wondered if he could even grin from ear-to-ear.

And the BBC claimed he had no excuse for not listening.

We get it. Harbor has big ears. His left ear is twelve and a quarter inches and his right is thirteen and a half. So yeah, they’re big. But spare us the cliches. Harbor might have the biggest ears of any living dog but he falls short of the all-time record. That belongs to Tigger, a blood hound who’s ears weighed in at thirteen and a half and thirteen and three quarters inches long.

Dachshund’s Owner Punches Bear

Dachshund Fudge with owner Brook CollinsFudge the Dachshund is a lucky dog, or his owner is a brash 22-year old with a death wish. Either way, we admire her moxie.

In the same year that two people were mauled by bears in Yellowstone, dog mom Brook Collins punched a bear in the face after it grabbed her dog Fudge.  The bear wandered into her yard in Juneau, Alaska and grabbed Fudge “like a salmon.”

As she reported to the Juneau Empire, “It was a stupid thing but I couldn’t help it.  know you’re not supposed to do that but I didn’t want my dog to be killed.” And neither do we, Brook. You’ve set a new standard for dog parents everywhere.

Read more: [Gawker] [Juneau Empire] [Gaurdian]


Large dog, Will fit on your lap

Large dogs on their owners' lapsWeb site did us a favor and assembled some great shots of people with large dogs on their laps. Owners of large dogs often say things like “oh, he thinks he’s a lap dog,” and these pictures prove it. Enjoy.

Source: Blinky Dog


Chewy the Biker Dog

Chewy the Biker DogAt Where’s Pom, we love stories of owners inspired by their dogs. We can’t help but love Chewy the Biker Dog, a rescue who rides on the back of a motorcycle with his owner, Butch. Chewy frequently rides in support of veterans and was recently nominated and accepted as an Associate Chapter Member of the American Gold Star Mothers (Dogwood Chapter). As explained on his blog, “I ride with a lot of people to honor our Fallen Heroes, but because I’m a dog, I tend draw more attention to what my driver and I do.”

Have a photo of a biker dog? Submit it to Chewy’s blog below.

Read More: [Chewy’s Blog] [Chewy’s Facebook] [Gold Star Moms]



Don't leave Fido unattendedThe American Kennel Club made news this week with its report of increased rates of dog theft. If you leave Sam the Retriever tied to a tree while you run in for a latte, there is now a 32% greater chance that he’ll be missing when you return. Dogs have also been reportedly nabbed from yards, cars, and houses.

The AKC reports that dogs are stolen for a variety of reasons including resale and an aversion to paying an adoption fee. As most dog owners can tell you, whatever price you pay for your new best friend is just the downpayment. The ASPCA estimates the cost of down ownership from $580 to $875 a year with large dogs requiring more food and medical care. If you can’t pay the adoption fee, do yourself a favor and adopt a Chia Pet instead.

See the AKC link below for how to protect your pet.


Elliott Erwitt Instagram Tribute

Elliott Erwitt was a advertising and documentary photographer. He was known for his ability to coax oddity from the human condition in an uncritical manner which fostered wide appeal.

Some of his most iconic photographs featured dogs and their owners. He could wait patiently for that moment when dog and owner shared that proverbial look, that similarity between dog and owner. He was particularly fond of jumping dogs.

In conjunction with a retrospective in New York City, NPR asked its Instagram followers to tag their dogs. They posted the result in this slide show called Dogs In Flight.

GOP debate bell vexes dogs across America

Dog bellAs first reported by WaPo’s Mike Rosenwald, the bell used during the GOP debates on August 11 was the same one many Americans employ as a door bell causing dogs across the nation to lose it like Rick Santorum on a Log Cabin Republicans’ cruise. As Rosenwald noted, “Twitter is filling up with tweets about dogs similarly losing their minds.”

At the Where’s Pom house, we have no doorbell, but the Pom has been known to freak out at barking dogs, Marcus Bachmann, and random noises generated by the television.


Sora and the iPhone App

Sora can balance items on her headAt Where’s Pom, we can’t resist any story featuring a dog with special talents. The Instagram user community recently attracted our attention with the story of user @umetaturou’s border collie, Sora, who has attracted a following with her ability to balance objects on her head. She has even inspired other users to create artwork of her. Check out his photos.

If you have an iPhone, consider downloading the Instagram app. It’s a free, fun way to style and share photos. For the latest Instagram news, visit their blog.